Receiving a response from the People Search web service

When a request is made, the response will be returned in sub-second time. Responses will return the details of any People Search results that match the name and address provided; or, in the event of an error, will return an error message. Responses are provided as JSON encoded objects containing response parameters, the possible values of which are highlighted below.

Response Parameters

Parameter Data Type Format Provided Notes
Array {
  Array {
forename_1 String A-Z, - 32 characters max Forename of the 1st person.
middle1_1 String A-Z, - 32 characters max 1st Middle name of the 1st person.
middle2_1 String A-Z, - 32 characters max 2nd Middle name of the 1st person.
middle3_1 String A-Z, - 32 characters max 3rd Middle name of the 1st person.
surname_1 String A-Z, - 32 characters max Surname of the 1st person.
forename_2 String A-Z, - 32 characters max Forename of the 2nd person.
middle1_2 String A-Z, - 32 characters max 1st Middle name of the 2nd person.
middle2_2 String A-Z, - 32 characters max 2nd Middle name of the 2nd person.
middle3_2 String A-Z, - 32 characters max 3rd Middle name of the 3rd person.
surname_2 String A-Z, - 32 characters max Surname of the 2nd person.
source1 Set See Source List table. Source(s) of the record.
resScore1 String Very Low
Very High
Score showing the likelihood of the person residing at the address.
address1 String A-Z, 0-9, -. 64 characters max Address line 1
address2 String A-Z, 0-9, -. 64 characters max Address line 2
address3 String A-Z, 0-9, -. 64 characters max Address line 3
address4 String A-Z, 0-9, -. 64 characters max Address line 4
postcode String A-Z, 0-9, 8 characters max Postcode
dob Date YYYY-MM-DD Date of Birth of the subject
age Integer 0-120 Current age of the person at the time of search.
Status Number Value between 100 - 200 See Status Codes table.

Once you receive a response, you can then present/use these values to suit your business needs.

Source List

Source Key Source Name
ER2000 Electoral Roll 2000
ER2001 Electoral Roll 2001
ER2002 Electoral Roll 2002
ER2003 Electoral Roll 2003
ER2004 Electoral Roll 2004
ER2005 Electoral Roll 2005
ER2006 Electoral Roll 2006
ER2007 Electoral Roll 2007
ER2008 Electoral Roll 2008
ER2009 Electoral Roll 2009
ER2010 Electoral Roll 2010
ER2011 Electoral Roll 2011
ER2012 Electoral Roll 2012
ER2013 Electoral Roll 2013
ER2014 Electoral Roll 2014
ER2015 Electoral Roll 2015
ER2016 Electoral Roll 2016
RollingRegister Rolling Register
Experian Experian
InsolvencyService Insolvency Service
RegistryTrust Registry Trust
Shareholder Companies House - Shareholder
Director Companies House - Director
ScottishLR Registers of Scotland
TR Tracesmart Register
Wisdom Wisdom
Halo Halo

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