Sending a request to the Phonematch Reverse API

To access the data provided by the Phonematch Reverse web service, you must send a request via a URL containing:

On setting up your account, our web service support team will supply you with a consumer key and a consumer secret; these form your authentication details.

A consumer key is your unique identifier, and identifies you to the Phonematch Reverse web service; the consumer secret confirms that you own the consumer key and therefore verifies that you have permission to use the key. This dual validation process, which utilises OAuth protocols, makes the authentication process extremely secure.

To conduct a successful search the request URL (search object) must contain the following parameter values as a minimum:

Request parameters, their data types and permissible formats, are highlighted in the table below, with supporting notes:

Authentication parameters

Parameter Data Type Possible Formats Notes
consumer key Alphanumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9
40 character string
User must be authenticated for every search
consumer secret Alphanumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9
40 character string
User must be authenticated for every search

Search object parameters

Parameter Data Type Possible Formats Notes
telephone Number 0-9 The telephone number to search
liveService Number 'N','L' N = Not Searched, L = Live Confirmation
landlineService Alpha 'N','A' N = Not searched, A = Phonematch Advanced
mobileService Alpha 'N','A' N = Not searched, A = Phonematch Advanced
requestReference Alphanumeric a-z, A-Z, 0-9, - , _
32 characters max
The requestReference parameter allows you to provide a unique reference for each search you conduct.
ignoreNumbers Number 0-9, , A comma separated list of telephone numbers that should not be returned.