CCJ simple web service – error codes

When utilising the simple CCJ web service, there is a possibility that you will experience errors at some point. The errors that could occur during the authentication process are highlighted below:

Authentication Errors

error Service response Response Content
Consumer key is not valid 401 HTTP response code: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorised oauth_problem=consumer_key_unknown
Oauth signature is not valid 401 HTTP response code: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorised oauth_problem=signature_invalid
Oauth nonce has been used previously 401 HTTP response code: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorised oauth_problem=nonce_used
Timestamp sent in request is too old (over 5 minutes) 401 HTTP response code: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorised ooauth_problem=timestamp_refused

Once authenticated, you may experience service errors. A service error is indicated by the status code returned, please see the table below for a list of possible status codes.

Status Codes

Code Description
100 Search returned successfully
150 No forename supplied
151 No surname supplied
152 No postcode supplied
153 Invalid Input
160 Multiple fields not supplied
170 Address could not be matched
190 Internal service error

If you have any issues related to errors, or need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our web service support team.