Receiving a response from the Phonematch Reverse API

When a request is made, the response will be returned in sub-second time. Responses will return the details of any name and address that match the telephone number provided; or, in the event of an error, will return an error message.

Responses are provided as JSON encoded objects containing response parameters, the possible values of which are highlighted below.

Response Parameters

Parameter Data Type Format Provided Notes
Array { Array Array of results from the Phonematch database
forename Alpha A-Z, - 32 characters max The forename of the individual on the Phonematch record
middle1 Alpha A-Z, - 32 characters max The first middle name of the individual on the Phonematch record
middle2 Alpha A-Z, - 32 characters max The second middle name of the individual on the Phonematch record
middle3 Alpha A-Z, - 32 characters max The third middle name of the individual on the Phonematch record
surname Alpha A-Z, - 32 characters max The surname middle name of the individual on the Phonematch record
address1 Alphanumeric A-Z, 0-9, - 64 characters max The first line of the address as listed on the Phonematch record
address2 Alphanumeric A-Z, 0-9, - 64 characters max The second line of the address as listed on the Phonematch record
address3 Alphanumeric A-Z, 0-9, - 64 characters max The third line of the address as listed on the Phonematch record
address4 Alphanumeric A-Z, 0-9, - 64 characters max The forth line of the address as listed on the Phonematch record
address5 Alphanumeric A-Z, 0-9, - 64 characters max The fifth line of the address as listed on the Phonematch record
postcode Alphanumeric A-Z, 0-9, 8 characters max The postcode as listed on the Phonematch record
landline1Number Number 0-9 Landline telephone number output 1
landline2Number Number 0-9 Landline telephone number output 2
landline3Number Number 0-9 Landline telephone number output 3
mobile1Number Number 0-9 Mobile telephone number output 1
mobile2Number Number 0-9 Mobile telephone number output 2
mobile3Number Number 0-9 Mobile telephone number output 3
Status Number Value between 100 - 200 See Status Codes table.
numberStatus Live Service response Y, N, 'Y' = Live, 'N' = Not Live, '' = Not Searched

Once you receive a response, you can then present/use these values to suit your business needs.

Terms and conditions apply